Edison Chen photo scandal

The Edison Chen photo scandal involved the illegal distribution over the Internet of intimate and private photographs of Hong Kong actor Edison Chen with various women, including actresses Gillian Chung, Bobo Chan, Rachel Ngan and Cecilia Cheung.[1] The scandal shook the Hong Kong entertainment industry in early 2008 and received high profile media attention locally and around the world. Many local newspapers headlined the story consecutively during the first fortnight of February 2008, relegating coverage of the 2008 Chinese winter storms to secondary prominence during Chinese New Year.

The Hong Kong police enlisted the assistance of Interpol to stem the spread of the photographs.[2] Ten people were arrested in connection with the distribution of the photographs.[3] A computer technician was convicted of three counts of obtaining access to a computer with dishonest intent, and received a custodial sentence of eight and a half months.[4]

The police crackdown raised questions over violations of the privacy and free speech rights of Internet users.[5] The manner in which actors, their management, and the police handled the situation, in turn, made those arrested into heroes for some Internet users.[6]

Chen admitted being the author and copyright owner of most of the photographs, and stated that the private photographs had been stolen and published illegally without his consent. He made a public apology, especially to the women involved, and also announced that he would "step away indefinitely" from the Hong Kong entertainment industry.[7]



In November 2006, Chen purchased a pink PowerBook personal computer, a photograph of which he published on his blog. It may have come from eLite Multimedia, a computer shop in Hong Kong's Central district.[8] According to the police, Chen's "Cotton-candy Mac" computer was sent in for repairs, and an estimated 1,300 intimate photographs of Chen and numerous female celebrities may have been accessed and secretly copied by one or more of the shop's employees.[9][10] According to Chen, the image files were deleted before the computer was taken in for repairs.[11]

Chen's photographs were reportedly made some time between 2003[12] and 2006.[13] One close friend indicated that Chen liked to take photographs during intimate moments with his sexual partners, of whom 14 were celebrities, and privately showed these to a select group of close friends.[14]


The first photograph, depicting Chen and Gillian Chung, was posted on the Hong Kong Discuss Forum at approximately 8:30 p.m. on 27 January 2008. Although the original post was deleted after a few hours, some visitors forwarded the image to other major forums in Hong Kong such as Uwants and HKGolden. Chung's management agency, Emperor Entertainment Group (EEG), immediately challenged its authenticity, and filed a police report.

The following day, a second explicit photograph of Chen, with another starlet, appeared on the Internet. After an emergency meeting that evening at EEG, the company declared that it would pursue the publisher of the image for this "irresponsible" and "malicious act". Gillian Chung was reportedly very distraught, had taken a leave of absence, and would not comment on the matter. Shaped by the denials, the initial media consensus was that the photographs were hoaxes.[15][16] Nevertheless, the story became the headline of major local Hong Kong newspapers.

At 12:30 p.m. on 29 January, a higher resolution photograph appeared on the Internet. Journals noted the uncanny resemblance to Cecilia Cheung, especially her distinctive tattoo set.[17] The photographs became the talk of the town, and local discussion forums became saturated. A low-resolution sequence (photos 4 to 7) of Chen with Chung appeared at 3 p.m.; a nude photograph of Cecilia Cheung appeared at 6 p.m.[18] Journals established with known video footage that the photographs were taken inside Chen's residence.[19] Nevertheless, Cheung's solicitors denounced the upload as a "malicious, immoral and irresponsible act".[13]

China News Service (CNS) reported that more than 100 police officers had been sent to investigate the case,[20] although Assistant Commissioner of Police (Crime) Vincent Wong Fook-chuen later declared that the investigating team consisted of 19 officers from the Commercial Crime Bureau.[21] The police and photographic experts, who examined the images involving the first three female celebrities, said the photos were unlikely to have been composites.[22]

The Hong Kong police moved on all Internet service providers to stamp out all local traces of the as yet unclassified "offensive material". The police met with more than 200 people responsible for major Hong Kong Web sites and BBS communities to urge them to delete the pictures on appearance "as they have the responsibility to stop crimes". Related discussion threads were progressively deleted.[20] The police ordered several locally registered web sites and BBS management firms to submit information about their clients, and had retrieved the IP addresses of more than 30 Internet users who allegedly posted photographs.[20]

As of this evening, the police have made significant advances towards solving this malicious crime. As from the beginning I will continue to give the police my fullest cooperation to bring the perpetrators to justice.
At this time I am not able to discuss matters related to the case, but I do feel it is my obligation to accept full responsibility and take action to help both the victims and those associated with them to heal their wounds.
In this regard, I plead with everyone to please stop forwarding the images on the Internet. Furthermore, to completely rid the images from your computer...

Edison Chen, as posted to his blog[23]

After the exposure of the eighth photograph, Chen quietly left Hong Kong and flew to Boston to be with his girlfriend Vincy Yeung (楊永晴).[14] On 4 February 2008, Chen released a 90-second video clip in English[24] in which he apologised to those who may have been affected by the posting of photographs, without commenting on the authenticity of the photos.[25]

On 6 February, a forum user leaked hundreds more photographs in defiance of the police. The uploader, dubbed by the public as "Kira", with reference to the protagonist in the manga "Death Note",[26] stated he was not in Hong Kong, and promised to release a 32-minute video the next day.[27] Two days later, three pictures of a young woman showering appeared on the Internet. The subject was rapidly identified as 18-year-old Vincy Yeung, Chen's girlfriend and niece of Albert Yeung, chairman of EEG.[28] The police confirmed these three images were part of the batch of 1,300 photographs known to them. Having said there were only six participants, the police explained the appearance of a seventh, saying that her photographs had been erroneously grouped with one of the other females.

Gillian Chung was the first starlet to make a public appearance. After greeting fans at a New Year celebration on 11 February 2008, she delivered a brief statement to the press in which she apologised for the hurt caused to those around her by her silliness and naivety, saying that she "had now grown up".[29][30][31] Emperor sought closure by stating that neither it nor any of its artists would be making any further statement about the incident.[29] The press conference drew mixed response from the media and the public – some praised her courage in facing the public while others complained of her insincerity and her refusal to face the issue squarely.[32] An Apple Daily commentary was particularly scathing about the hypocrisy of Chung and of her management company for only obliquely hinting at her "licentiousness".[33] On 14 February, two new nude photographs surfaced. One photograph featured an unidentified woman fellating Chen, and another showed Rachel Ngan lying on a bed.[34]

...There is no doubt whoever obtained these photos have them uploaded on the Internet with malicious and deliberate intent. This matter has deteriorated to the extent that society as a whole has been affected by this. In this regard, I am deeply saddened. I would like now to apologize to all the people for all the suffering that has been caused and the problems that have arisen from this. I would like to apologize to all the ladies and to all their families for any harm or hurt that they have been feeling... Most importantly, I would like to say sorry to all the people of Hong Kong. ...
I know young people in Hong Kong look up to many figures in our society. And in this regard, I have failed. I failed as a role model.

Edison Chen, press conference 21 February 2008[35]

Chen returned to Hong Kong on 21 February, and held a press conference during which he asked for forgiveness and announced his departure from the Hong Kong entertainment industry "indefinitely". Chen confirmed that the photographs belonged to him and were private, and stated that they were obtained without his consent and then made public.[36] His lawyer emphasised that reproduction whether in whole or in part would constitute copyright infringement.[7]

On 26 February, as Chen entered his sixth consecutive day of police questioning, Sing Tao Daily revealed that a cache of computer disks and other storage devices containing in excess of 10,000 images were found from the search of Chen's residence. Police leaked news that five "new" celebrities had been identified by police, who gave only cryptic descriptions.[37][38] Investigations were apparently hampered by Chen's caution, and by the lack of cooperation of the "new" female victims: some had left town, and one had already publicly denied her involvement.[37] While the police suspected hidden motives, Chen denied that he had been blackmailed.[37]


This table breaks down the photographs by subject:

Person Involved Names per source Photo count as of
10 Feb 2008[39]
Cecilia Cheung Pak-chi 张栢芝 143
Bobo Chan Man-woon 陈文媛 116
Gillian Chung Yan-tung 钟欣桐 104
Candice Chan Si-wai 陈思慧 48
Mandy Chen Yu-ju 陈育嬬 40
Rachel Ngan Wing-sze 颜颖思 13
Vincy Yeung Wing-ching 杨永晴 3
Total 465

Police actions

Hong Kong

On 31 January 2008, an unemployed man identified as 29-year-old Chung Yik-tin (鍾亦天) was arrested for allegedly uploading one image;[40] 12 pictures were found on his computer. The next day he was arraigned but denied bail because he was suspected of blackmailing the actor and actresses. The case would reconvene eight weeks later,[41] and Chung Yik-tin was destined to spend Chinese New Year in detention. After investigating the connection between the suspect and artists, the police were satisfied that blackmail was not involved.[21][41] Following the furore at the police that the photograph allegedly posted by Chung was later classified as "indecent", Chung was unconditionally released from detention on 15 February, and charges against him were dropped.[42]

On 2 February, police arrested four men and two women in connection with the distribution of the photographs. Of the six, three men and a woman were released on HK$20,000 bail and ordered to report back to the police in eight weeks.[43] The police revealed that during 2007, Edison Chen brought his computer to a shop for repairs. Employees who discovered over 1,300 intimate photographs may have secretly copied these files.[44]

On 4 February, a 29-year-old man became the eighth person to be detained in connection with the Internet posting of nude photos.[3] On the same day, 23-year-old Sze Ho-Chun (史可雋) was arrested and charged with "dishonest use of computers with criminal intent", which has a maximum penalty of five years imprisonment. The man appeared in Eastern Court on 5 February,[21][25] where he denied the charge and was released on $50,000 bail. The case was adjourned to 22 February.[45]

Assistant Commissioner Wong said the source of the pictures had been traced, but he would not confirm reports stating that they had been taken from Chen's computer. He added that the authenticity of the photographs was no longer in question. Wong also said of the six women found in the photographs, four were local celebrities and two were unknown to the police. None of the women were named.[21] Wong was certain that no overseas artists were involved.[25] He said that it was not a crime to transfer the pictures to friends, but those who had posted the images to Internet web pages could be in breach of the Hong Kong law. His statement has prompted some people to solicit for or send the picture files to their "friends" en masse by email.[21][25]

On 5 February, as another of the suspects was released on $50,000 bail, six more related photographs surfaced on the Internet.[45] In the early hours on Chinese New Year's Eve, several hundred more photographs appeared on the Internet; there were two new faces.[46]

The police arrested a tenth person in connection with the case on 10 February. Kwok Chun-wai, a 24-year-old logistics clerk, was charged with distribution of pornography.[47] He had allegedly posted the link to a local discussion forum after uploading a compressed file containing over a hundred images to a site in Cyprus. Kwok was released on $10,000 bail and was required to report to the police three times a week.[48] He entered a guilty plea to three counts of publishing an obscene article in July.[49] On 24 July 2008, he was sentenced to two months in prison, suspended for two years.[50]

Mainland China

Web sites on the mainland are usually more sensitive to political issues than to pornography, and for several weeks major sites such as Baidu permitted the images to be disseminated.[51] During this time, photographs were also posted on the popular mainland China chat room, Tianya Club, and had been viewed nearly 20 million times a day.[52] Around 20 February however, mainland sites took action to prevent access to the photos.

A crackdown began in mainland China on the manufacturing, selling and spreading the CD-ROMs of the celebrity photos,[53] which sold "like hotcakes".[54] Police arrested 10 people suspected of the production in Shenzhen.[55] Police in Beijing announced on 21 February that it would act to stop the circulation of the photographs. Officials declared that showing the photos to friends or posting them on blogs or online forums, even without profit motive, could be punishable by detention for up to 15 days; transmission of more than 200 of the photos as a package on the internet would be met with criminal prosecution.[56]


A Taiwanese man aged 24, Huang Wei-lun, was arrested in Taipei County on suspicion of posting the explicit photos and videos in his blog and instructing net surfers how to download the images.[57] Police in Kaohsiung warned of the two-year penalty for selling pornographic CDs, and raided shops and arcades where discs of Edison Chen's photographs have been selling slowly, for TWD100. One observer remarked that young people did not buy discs as they can get the photographs easily from the internet.[58]

Legal issues

Freedom of speech

On 2 February, Commissioner of Police Tang King Shing warned that anyone with the pictures on their computer could be in breach of the law, even if there was no record of distribution. This led to an immediate objection by lawmaker "Long Hair" Leung Kwok-hung, who led a protest of about two dozen people outside police headquarters in Wan Chai. They accused the police of sowing confusion and creating an atmosphere of "white terror" among netizens. Leung urged Commissioner Tang to clarify whether merely keeping the pictures violated the law.[59] Some opinions disagree on distributing the photos.[60][61]

Selective application of the law

The police's selectiveness in this case, as compared with previous cases of pornography distribution on the Internet, was also the focus of public attention.[62][63] Regina Ip said that police would commonly apply the law selectively, citing the difficulty of taking action against every person who had overstayed in Hong Kong.[64] Similarly, the local Chairman of the Internet Society said that it would not be practical for the police to ticket every traffic offender.[65]

The denial of bail for Chung Yik-tin sparked controversy over the subjective application of the law. Legislator Ronny Tong accused the police of humiliating a suspect by their excessively hasty actions.[66]

Commentary in the newspaper Ming Pao also remarked on the widespread outrage about the perceived selective application of legal principles – that a person charged with an apparently minor offense being denied bail whilst two others, unnamed, with allegedly heavier involvement in the spread of the photographs were allowed out on bail.[67] A commentary in Apple Daily decried the "clear intimidation of netizens" by the police, and referred to the "hypocrisy in law enforcement" for arresting people without bringing the alleged main source and victim (Chen) for interrogation.[33]

Definition of "obscenity"

While publishing an "obscene" (淫褻) article carries a maximum sentence of 3 years, an "indecent" (不雅) article only carries a maximum sentence of 12 months.[68] Ming Pao revealed on 14 February that it had received interim classification from the Obscene Articles Tribunal (OAT) relating to five photographs it had submitted for opinion. Three of these photographs were classified as "indecent" while two were considered "obscene". The only photograph which was in circulation on 27 January, allegedly posted by Chung Yik-tin, was "indecent". Thus, the journal raised the question that Chung may have been charged with a wrong offense. Also, the law applies only after OAT's classification. Since the police arrested and charged Chung before classification, some viewed the arrest as unlawful. An Assistant Professor at the University of Hong Kong questioned whether an amended charge of "Publishing an Indecent Article" applied to photographs uploaded onto the Internet.[66]


The news of the scandal received international media attention, notably on CNN,[69] the Wall Street Journal,[70][71] the New York Times,[65] The Economist,[72] MSNBC,[73] the BBC,[74] The Guardian,[75] Le Figaro, Le Monde[76] and Der Spiegel.[77]


On 3 February, a small group led by Leung Kwok-hung protested the abuse of power by the police. One week later, there was a larger protest demonstrated against alleged "discriminatory" law enforcement against Internet users. The involvement of local celebrities led to complaints that the wave of arrests were indicative of a legal double standard:[78] protesters claimed that the police failed to investigate other cases of nude photos being published without their subject's permission.[79] Approximately 300 Internet users marched from Victoria Park to police headquarters in Wan Chai. They petitioned the police to apologize publicly, to release Chung Yik-tin, to stop "an abuse of power",[80] and also demanded the resignation of Commissioner Tang.[81] In the wake of the scandal, citizens also became more concerned about the integrity of the law. There was an increased resentment towards the Hong Kong Police following some highly publicised incidents of suspected police bias: citizens cited motoring incidents of Chief Inspector Cindy Kong[82] and businessman Peter Lam[83] in an attempt to show that, in Hong Kong, some were clearly more equal than others.[81]

The police were widely criticised for their handling of the case: in a survey published by the SCMP, some 48 percent of people surveyed believed the police had created unnecessary fear among the Internet community, and a similar percentage were dissatisfied with the police handling of the case. However, Assistant Commissioner Wong insisted that they had "not departed from normal practices" and had "acted correctly under the laws".[84]


On 5 February 2008, Chen was pulled from the upcoming Stephen Fung movie Jump as a result of the scandal.[85] On 10 February 2008, it was reported that credit card company Manhattan Titanium has withdrawn all advertisements featuring Chen.[86] He was also filming a minor role as a sharp-dressed thug in The Dark Knight, but his scene was cut, and his very brief cameo as a receptionist was shown instead. The LA Times reported that Pepsi China, Standard Chartered Bank, Samsung, Levi's and the Hong Kong Metro, had dropped or declined to renew ad campaigns involving Chen.[87]

Upon his return to Hong Kong on 21 February, a hundred police officers were present throughout the press conference at the HITEC centre, and some citizens complained about the waste of manpower. The police argued that their strong presence was essential to maintain public order due to the great public and media interest in the case.[88] The triads reportedly offered a HK$500,000 reward to anybody who hacked off Chen's hand.[89][90] This contributed to fears for Chen's safety upon his return, and heavy police protection.

Gillian Chung

While Emperor declared that Gillian Chung was on sick leave, fellow Twins member Charlene Choi twice publicly denied rumours of suicide attempts by Chung — once was during the promotion of the film Kung Fu Dunk.[91] Hong Kong Disneyland Resort dropped the use of a Twins music video for the celebration of the Chinese New Year because of Chung's involvement in the controversy. A new video featuring Taiwanese boyband Fahrenheit was selected as a replacement.[92] Preparations for the Twins concerts in Hong Kong originally scheduled for 12–16 April postponed until September.[93]

Chung's appearance at a charity programme on 17 February met with around 2,100 complaints to the Broadcasting Authority, 373 to TVB, and 202 to the Television and Entertainment Licensing Authority (TELA).[94] On 21 February the Broadcasting Authority decided that the complaints were outside its jurisdiction to consider, and passed all the correspondence received to TVB.[95]

On 26 February 2008, the South China Morning Post, citing the Dalian Evening News, reported that Chung and Nicholas Tse (husband of Cecilia Cheung) would no longer perform at the Beijing Olympics opening ceremony. Artistic Director, Zhang Yimou, dropped them for having been tainted by the nude photos scandal. Their management had no comment.[96] Nicholas Tse did appear at the closing ceremony, singing on stage alongside Jackie Chan, Emil Chau, Andy Lau, and others.

Twins announced its "temporary" dissolution in late June 2008, four months after Gillian was caught up in the scandal. Charlene said in July 2008 she was highly optimistic that they will reunite "some day".[97] It was reported that Chung, under contract with Emperor Entertainment Group in 2008, did not receive any salary for the duration of the scandal,[98][99] and even struggled to pay rent.[99][100]

Other female stars who have worked with Chen

Jolin Tsai and Elva Hsiao have collaborated with Chen on various projects and are rumoured love interests of Chen. Some images of a Tsai lookalike have previously appeared. In an effort to contain the damage to their reputations, both issued statements through their agents that they had "never been involved with Chen". They each issued "rewards" of TWD100 million defying anyone to come forward with legally authenticated photographs,[101][102][103] and also threatened to seek full redress from any parties for "smears". Tsai urged the Hong Kong Police to publish a list of the persons involved, so that "innocents can be spared".[102]


The scandal has shocked the general public and ignited debate about sexual morality. The blanket coverage of the local press, their reporting style, and the appearance of photographs has also been met with public complaints to TELA.[48][64] TELA suspected that at least two journals violated the Obscene Articles Ordinance, and sent copies of issue #936 of Next Magazine and issue #531 of the Oriental Sunday magazine to the OAT for classification.[104] The Tribunal returned an interim classification of "Class I", meaning the magazines were "neither obscene nor indecent", and TELA demanded a full public hearing to review its decision.[105] The OAT, the method of selecting its adjudicators, and the Obscene Articles Ordinance, came under fire. It reportedly classified Michelangelo's "David" as "indecent" by adhering rigidly to a definition.[106]

The images reached China mostly through an image-sharing service on Baidu (Tieba).[107] Beijing Network News Council (BNNC) held a meeting on 18 February to discuss the "romantic pictures", and criticised Baidu for spreading the pictures.[108] Other web sites that actively discouraged the photo distribution, namely Sohu, Sina and Netease, were praised by BNCC.[107]

Sze Ho-chun trial

Chen's hearing

Although Chen agreed to cooperate with the authorities, he refused to return to Hong Kong to give evidence in the trial. A team of four lawyers and a magistrate were thus flown out to Vancouver, Canada for a hearing beginning on 23 February 2009 at taxpayers' expense.[109] Legislator Ronny Tong questioned the "extravagancy" of this hearing, and suggested there may be an easier and cheaper way to collect Chen's evidence.[110]

During the hearing, which is governed by Hong Kong law, and is presided over by Supreme Court of British Columbia Justice Elaine Adair, with Hong Kong's Chief Magistrate Tong Man (唐文) as co-commissioner,[111] Chen confirmed that Cecilia Cheung, Gillian Chung, Bobo Chan and Rachel Ngan were indeed involved.[112] He testified that the photographs, taken from 2001 to 2006, were consensual, and were only shown to the women involved.[111] He professed his "huge shock" at seeing the images on the Internet, citing that he had deleted the images before sending his computer in for repairs in summer of 2006.[112]

Cecilia Cheung's reaction

After Chen's statement to court, Cheung broke silence in the matter on a televised interview on iCable on 27 February. She heavily criticised Chen for shedding crocodile tears, saying that instead of calling to apologise, he had not returned calls and switched off his telephone when the incident came to light last year. She accused him of hypocrisy in a bid to win the public's forgiveness while hurting others caught up in the scandal.[113] She said that despite the rumours circulating at the time of a rift with her husband and in-laws, they had been most supportive.[114]

Gillian Chung's reaction

Interviewed in an episode of TVB's Be My Guest in March 2009, Chung said that Chen was her greatest love, and let him take photos of them engaging in sex because she did not want to lose him.[115]

She reclused herself from public for more than a year following the incident and later apologised for hurting the people around her, especially to her long-time 'Twins' partner Choi. During the hiatus, she took classes in many areas which she hoped would serve her professionally.[116] Chung said she had ruled out suicide during the ordeal, fearing that the problems would be passed onto people who cared about her if she died; she said her mother was supportive of her quitting the industry.[117]

Death threat

On 12 March 2009, a threatening letter containing a bullet was delivered to a Cable TV station mailbox.[118] It is thought to have been sent from Allentown, Pennsylvania, though police did not rule out the possibility that the address was a fake.[118][119] The broadcaster did not release the text of the threatening letter, written in English, but summarised the contents on its entertainment news report.[120]

Secretary for Security Ambrose Lee said Hong Kong is governed by the rule of law and violent or intimidating activity will not be tolerated.[118] Peter Lam former manager of Chen said that these threats violate the law, and people who break the law will be dealt with.[121] He further added that Chen made some mistakes, but those mistakes were not worth death.[119]

Conviction secured

Computer technician Sze Ho-chun was convicted on 13 May 2009 of three counts of obtaining access to a computer with dishonest intent, and received a custodial sentence of eight and a half months.[4] However, there was no evidence that he uploaded the pictures to the Internet.[122]

See also

Hong Kong portal
Crime portal


  1. ^ Patrick Frater (4 February 2008). "HK police arrest 7 more in celebrity porn scandal". Variety (Asia). http://www.varietyasiaonline.com/content/view/5426/53/. Retrieved 4 February 2008. 
  2. ^ "網頁極速蔓延 淫照難盡剷" (in Traditional Chinese). Wen Wei Po. 1 February 2008. http://paper.wenweipo.com/2008/02/01/YO0802010004.htm. Retrieved 4 February 2008. 
  3. ^ a b "Eight now held in Internet sex probe". The Standard. 4 February 2008. http://www.thestandard.com.hk/news_detail.asp?pp_cat=12&art_id=61125&sid=17431562&con_type=3. Retrieved 4 February 2008. 
  4. ^ a b "Tech jailed for stealing sex-with-starlet photos". The Sydney Morning Herald. 13 May 2009. http://www.smh.com.au/news/technology/articles/2009/05/13/1241894033965.html. 
  5. ^ "一哥:藏裸照供發布可拉人" (in Traditional Chinese). sina.com.hk. 3 February 2008. http://news.sina.com.hk/cgi-bin/nw/show.cgi/2/1/1/629150/1.html. Retrieved 8 February 2008. 
  6. ^ "網民支持發照者 批警方偏袒 學者:網絡暴力作祟" (in Traditional Chinese). Phoenix TV. 1 February 2008. http://news.sina.com/oth/phoenixtv/502-104-103-108/2008-02-01/00112643396.html. Retrieved 4 February 2008. 
  7. ^ a b Nickkita Lau (22 February 2008). "Edison bows out on sorry note". The Standard. http://www.thestandard.com.hk/news_detail.asp?pp_cat=12&art_id=61938&sid=17712230&con_type=5&d_str=20080222&sear_year=2008. Retrieved 22 February 2008. 
  8. ^ "涉及淫照风波的电脑店铺 常有男艺人光顾" (in Simplified Chinese). 猫扑. 5 February 2008. http://star.ent.mop.com/8gua/exposure/2008-02-05/81398.shtml. Retrieved 6 February 2008. 
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  10. ^ "店員炫耀淫照出事" (in Traditional Chinese). Sing Pao Daily News. 4 February 2008. Archived from the original on 16 February 2008. http://web.archive.org/web/20080216212007/http://www.singpao.com/20080204/local/945111.html. Retrieved 6 February 2008. 
  11. ^ Agencies (4 June 2009). "Edison Chen calls sex photos youthful indiscretion". http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/china/2009-06/04/content_8249386.htm. 
  12. ^ "网上再现6张女艺人不雅照" (in Simplified Chinese). Qingdao News. 6 February 2008. http://www.qingdaonews.com/content/2008-02/06/content_7809564.html. Retrieved 7 February 2008. 
  13. ^ a b "网上再现6张女艺人不雅照" (in Simplified Chinese). China Press. 30 January 2008. http://www.chinapress.com.my/content_new.asp?dt=2008-01-31&sec=entertainment&art=0131en16.txt. Retrieved 3 March 2008. 
  14. ^ a b Chang May Choon (2 February 2008). "Is this Cecilia?". The Electric New Paper. http://www.asiaone.com/News/Latest%2BNews/Showbiz/Story/A1Story20080205-48346.html. Retrieved 10 February 2008. 
  15. ^ "Gillian Chung and Edison Chen 'racy photos' exposed" (in Traditional Chinese). Apple Daily. 29 January 2008. 
  16. ^ "Edison Chen, Ah Giu, BoBo bedshots exposed" (in Traditional Chinese). The Sun. 29 January 2008. 
  17. ^ "Hong Kong stars slam nude photos". REDNET.CN. 4 February 2008. http://english.rednet.cn/c/2008/02/04/1435856.htm. Retrieved 5 February 2008. 
  18. ^ "Racy photos scandal". Apple Daily. 30 January 2008. 
  19. ^ "张柏芝卷入陈冠希艳照门 网上惊现疑似裸照" (in Simplified Chinese). xinmin.cn. 30 January 2008. http://ent.xmnext.com/star/2008/01/30/1037989.html. Retrieved 6 February 2008. 
  20. ^ a b c Lydia Chen (31 January 2008). "Alleged HK celebrity sex photos create a stir". Shanghai Daily. http://www.shanghaidaily.com/sp/article/2008/200801/20080131/article_347440.htm. Retrieved 8 February 2008. 
  21. ^ a b c d e "(Entire front page)" (in Traditional Chinese). Sing Pao Daily News. 5 February 2008. 
  22. ^ "So Is This Joey Yung?". The Electric New Paper. 3 February 2008. http://www.asiaone.com/Just%2BWoman/News/Celebrities/Story/A1Story20080204-48059.html. Retrieved 6 February 2008. 
  23. ^ "Edison Chen's blog". CLOT. http://www.clotinc.com/blogs/public/edc. Retrieved 4 February 2008. 
  24. ^ "Edison Chen 陳冠希 talks about photo scandal". YouTube. 4 February 2008. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=io9n4XwJQG0. Retrieved 4 February 2008. 
  25. ^ a b c d "Star apologizes to six artistes in 1,300 racy Internet photos". The Standard. 5 February 2008. http://www.thestandard.com.hk/news_detail.asp?pp_cat=12&art_id=61190&sid=17445450&con_type=1. Retrieved 5 February 2008. 
  26. ^ The name "Kira" is a reference to the main character in the manga Death Note, whose real identity is unknown to the public but whose continued vigilantist acts and defiance against the police were admired by certain members of the public.
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